By David Maillu
Published September 18, 2023
What does the invitation of African Union to become a member of the
Whiteman’s G20 mean? Has Africa the bottom with which to occupy that seat?
Is it a Whiteman’s trap? What credentials does the African Union have for
that invitation? Should the African receive it laughing or suspiciously?
The dream of Panafican government, the brain child of the Ghanaian Kwame
Nkrumah and his associates, might look dead to many people who view thing
from the face value. Many present people have given up the dream of having
one African government because they don’t see what could be done to bring
African heads to the drawing board and decide to create one government.
Equally so, those who dream that one day African Presidents could come
together and see the necessity of creating a single government, are bad
dreamers. All the present African Presidents feel satisfied living in
their colonial designed territorial cocoon, where they enjoy absolute
autonomy in the name of sovereignty for the state.
However, new economic disasters are challenging that autonomy. All African
Presidents now realize the necessity to build reliance with other states.
The economic climate is getting hostile to the so-called sovereignty
states. First, because they are vulnerable to the Whiteman’s economic
aggression whose paradigm is survival for the fittest. The African Union
is a hunter armed with arrows and a bow, invited to the club of hunters
armed with powerful killing machine guns. This is what the African Union
should know before taking a seat in that club.
On the other hand, reality on the ground is that today Africa is closer to
becoming a single government than it was during Nkrumah’s time. Africans
have become aware of their vulnerability on the international market. In
fact, the African Federal State government is already there but in a
shadow form called AFRICAN UNION. Taken from that stage, Africa can be
given structures which would implement a Panafrican government sooner than
it is thought.
All there is for Africans to move forward is to change the status of the
African Union by making it an ARMED BODY in charge of African security
affairs. All about empires is in their weapons. As it is today, the
African Union is a toothless barking dog in the African wilderness and to
the delight of African traditional exploiters. The African can’t go
anywhere in matters of security and prosperity until it becomes fully
militarily in charge of the security of its resources.